Frequently asked Questions
How do I back up my data?
Open the Backup/Restore menu
In the Backup/Restore tab, tap on the CONNECTION button
The Microsoft sign-in page opens.
If you already have a Microsoft account, enter your login and tap the Next button.
The following message is displayed: <Are you trying to login to Memo Courses?>
Tap on the Continue button.
You are back in the Memo Courses app. Tap on the SAVE button. Wait until the backup is complete.
If you don't have a Microsoft account, create one and follow the steps above.
What does reinstalling the database do?
This action reinstalls the initial database (products, categories, units).
WARNING: your personal data will be erased! You can recover them (if you have previously made a backup) by pressing the RESTORE button.
How do I share my lists?
You can share your lists with other Memo Courses users using OneDrive. Here's how::
Create a Microsoft account that you will only use to back up your lists.
Communicate this account (and password) to the user with whom you want to share your lists.
Ask this user to log in with this account in their Memo Courses app.
When he is connected, he will just have to restore the database to have exactly the same lists as yours.
Why is the product I just created at the end of the list of the category to which it belongs, when I open the list of products to add to my shopping list?
You probably disabled the category in this list and then re-enabled it.
To find an alphabetical order of products in this category, you must go to the Sort categories menu, choose the relevant shopping list and validate the sorting. Your product will resume its place in the reactivated category.
How to create a Microsoft account?
Open the Backup/Restore menu.
In the BACKUP/RESTORE tab, tap on the CONNECTION button.
The Microsoft account sign in page opens, asking you to sign in.
Next to the No account? question, tap Create one!
The Create account page opens: type your email address, then click the Next button.
Enter your password and tap the Next button.
On the What's your birthdate? page, fill in your Country/Region, as well as your date of birth, then tap on the Next button.
To be sure you' re not a robot, tap on the Next button and solve the puzzle.
Finally, on the Let this app access your info? page, tap on the Yes button.
WARNING: if you tap No, you will not be able to make backup!
If you do not return to the application, close the page and the Memo Courses application, open your application again, then tap on the CONNECTION button in the Backup / Restore menu. Enter your previously created Microsoft email address and tap on the Next button.
At the question Are you trying to sign in to Memo Courses, tap on the Continue button.
You return to your Memo Courses application while logged in with the account you just created. You can now make a backup by tapping on the SAVE button.
Later, you just have to press the CONNECTION button and you will be automatically connected. If you tap the DISCONNECTION button, you will need to type your email address and password again.